Five Minute Friday: Finish


Five Minute Friday is a challenge to write for five minutes about a given prompt. “No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.” It’s currently hosted over at Today’s prompt is “Finish.”


Last night, before I considered writing a Five Minute Friday post, before I knew the prompt word for today, I posted this status on social media:


Throughout my childhood, one of the things I knew I wanted to do as an adult was finish what I started. By the time I reached college, I made every effort to do just that.

However, in the years following young adulthood, my finishing skills have waned. I leave books unfinished. I leave relationships hanging in the balance. I leave ideas unfinished.

In fact, I have only a few strong finishes under my belt.

These days, I find myself in the middle of a creative project that feels done, but unfinished. And I’m utterly frustrated with the surrounding circumstances and my lack of ability to do anything about them.

Finishing not only gives me a sense of accomplishment, but often inspires new beginnings in me.

Five Minute Friday

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  1. Lynn Morrissey says:

    I totally resonate. Completion was my theme word for two years, recently. But now I’m realizing I need to begin before I finish.

    • I’m not sure which is more difficult for me, Lynn — beginning or finishing. I guess they’re both wrapped in fear…

      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        They certainly can be. I totally unerstand. But the flip side is that with every ending comes the possibility for beautiful, new beginnings, too, filled with life, adventure, dreams, and possibility. I pray that for you!

  2. Anita Fessler says:

    Having the “unfinished” feeling is tough. But the feeling of “finished” far outweighs that. Keep moving toward that goal. You can do it!

  3. I think its our generation that is plagued with all this undone stuff…maybe its because of the limitless distractions and activities…youre right about finishing…it gives satisfaction that nothing can. Hope you get those books finished and realize the difference between that worth finishing and that not worth your precious time.

    • Thanks, Somer. You gave me something to think about…what’s “worth finishing.”

      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        Amen, Somer. gReat p;oint. We have to determine what is not worth fniishing, and move on. I just got rid of some “classics” I had never read, b/c they bored me. I realized it is not a sin to give away a book. I even have discarded those I have marked up beyond recognition, but which no longer serve me. Soooo hard to do, but it’s not a sin. =]

  4. Rebekah, I get this… “These days, I find myself in the middle of a creative project that feels done, but unfinished.”

    I don’t think ‘we’ are ever, truly finished. Do you? I think the only finish we have is through our faith and our relationship with God – and, darn it, sometimes I want to be finished because growing isn’t easy. I think of it this way, we are God’s creative project – done but never finished. I don’t think I’d worry too much about the books; you’ll get them read when you’re ready (or not, because they aren’t what you need…).

    And looking around your blog, I have to ask. Does the project have to do with songwriting? Because what I heard is wonderful – soulful and heart-baring. You have a gift. You ARE a gift.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    • Oh my goodness, Janet. “Yes” to so much of this. I want to be finished with this rocky spiritual journey I’ve seemingly been on forever. I guess “finished” in that respect means getting “it” right and not having to struggle anymore. I guess that’s not realistic.

      Yes, the project is music-related. I recently recorded 5 new songs, but releasing them isn’t really an option right now. I’m not sure it ever will be.

      Thank you so much for your very kind and encouraging comment!

  5. I am sure it’s just a phase and will go by soon.
    All the best.
