Do Something Different


See all articles in 31 Days of Showing Up


When your world changes and you get tired of grieving what’s lost, it’s time to do something different, right? That’s what I’m doing.

Yesterday marked two years since I first sat in a songwriters’ round and sang songs I’d co-written. Talk about a thrill!

Over the last two years, I had more opportunities to sing those songs and write new ones. It never got old — the high that came with a new idea, the rush that came with feeling a room quiet as people tuned in to the songs.

Lately, though, the writing has been sparse, and the singing has ceased. It’s been too long, and still, the longing persists. The passion won’t go away.

I’m determined that jubilee — this season of songs and singing — is not over.

So today I’m doing a new thing: I’m taking my first guitar lesson. It’s a step down a new path of taking music into my own hands {quite literally}.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m done with patiently waiting for it to be delivered in a pretty package with a bow on top. I’m going to grab it with both hands, and if I end up with bleeding fingers, blisters, and callouses, it will be worth it to know I didn’t give up.

Are you grieving over something you lost? Is it time to make a change, to do something different?

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  1. Grab it, sister. Hang on tightly.