Guest Post: More Than An Adoption


This is the second post in the December series, Spirit of Christmas. Chris Morris is a Twitter friend I’ve yet to meet face-to-face; however, his vulnerable, yet inspirational writings have spoken to my heart numerous times. Enjoy this true story in which he inspires us to give!


I will never forget the Benavidez family. About a decade ago, our home Bible study adopted the Benavidezes for Christmas. My wife found them through a connection she had with Christian Family Care Agency.

We received the details for the mom and her five kids, and we asked our small group to sign up for different family members. We encouraged everyone to be generous, because God is generous with us. But we were not expecting the turnout we received.

The week before Christmas, our small group stuffed four vehicles with presents, piled in and drove over to the Benavidez home. Before we walked into their duplex, we spent a few quick moments in prayer.

God, let us be a blessing.
Let us represent Your kindness generously.
Allow us to be the hope of Jesus with skin on.

I knocked on the door, and mom answered. She smiled graciously and ushered us in. Her eyes got bigger and bigger as we kept bringing the presents in, and then she broke down crying.

Her kids had a totally different response. They were dancing around the house. Pushing each other over. Giggling, laughing, falling on the ground and rolling in exuberant joy.

Then the begging began – “Mom, can we open now? Can we have Christmas tonight? Come on Mom, we don’t want to wait. Now, puuuuullllleeeeeeeaaaaaazzzz!”

Mom looked at us and asked if they could open now. I smiled, with a tear in my eye. I told her she could open them whenever. She asked if we would stay.

We brought the joy, she said. We should see it come out.

We gathered around the family as they opened their presents. Each opened present brought a squeal of pure joy. Whether it was a backpack or a Hot Wheels, a Barbie doll or a set of pajamas. The delight we saw with each opened package is something I will never forget.

While my small group certainly had the opportunity to bless the Benavidez family, the truth is this – each of us walked out of their duplex filled to the brim with the joy of the Lord. Because we saw a family that truly appreciated the gifts they were given.

When is the last time you saw glee like this?


Chris Morris is a CPA by day, but a creative at heart. He loves telling stories to inspire and encourage others, even when life seems busted. He also loves a great cup of coffee, preferably French press. He writes at You can follow him on Twitter at You can find him on Facebook at

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  1. Rebekah,
    Thanks for sharing your stage with me today. And for the kind introduction as well. I love this series so far — what a great idea!

  2. I love how God “tricks” us. We go in thinking that we are going to be such a blessing when really we are the ones that recieve the biggest blessing in the end. Thank you both, Chris and Rebekah for sharing.

    • I never of it that way Amy. God as a divine trickster. It makes a lot of sense though. I think it’s in Isaiah where find that God’s thoughts are as high above our as the heavens are above the earth. He sure outsmarted us into being blessed that day.

  3. A lovely inspiring story, Chris. What a wonderful privilege to have “brought the joy” into this family’s experience of Christmas and to have had the great joy of watching them open their gifts! When we consider that God is the greatest gift-giver of all, just think what joy must come to His heart to give good gifts to His children. The givers will always be blessed in the act of giving, whether they expect to be or not.
    Our delight in giving to family and friends is to witness their pleasure in the gift. So how sad it must be for our heavenly Father to see so many reject His gift of love, forgiveness and mercy in the person of His beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet story with us, Chris; and thanks to Rebekah for hosting this lovely series. :)

    • Joy,
      You always bring my thoughts to a deeper and more spiritual place — I love that about you. Considering God as the giver of all good things (a la the book of James) in this context bring even more meaning to my experience. Thank you for that!

  4. what a wonderful story, chris! i know you shared it with me the other day at dinner but reading it now i feel and see the joy of the family you blessed and who in return blessed you. well done, as always, my friend.

  5. What a timely reminder that Christmas starts with Christ – inspirational post Chris!

  6. Troy McLaughlin says:

    Great story Chris. You asked to be a blessing but got one in return. Thanks for sharing not only the story but for blessing this family. I’m sure they’ll never forget it.

    • Here is a funny sidebar to this story Troy. One of the boys was named Angel, but the agency mistakenly told us his name was Angela. So we bought presents you would buy for an Angela, not an Angel. He opened presents wrapped in Hello Kitty Christmas paper, received Barbies and The Littlest Pet Shop play sets…and barely cared. He was so thrilled at the idea of presents (though he DID ask if we had gift receipts).

  7. Wonderful post, Chris. You were certainly on the receiving end of the blessings.

  8. I think few things top the feeling of giving to someone who needs it and receives the generosity with appreciation and thankfulness. What a great story about the fruit of giving. Nice to meet you Chris.

  9. Chris,
    As the others have said, thanks for sharing this story. During a good portion of my life my family cared for foster kids. Up to 4 kids. My family of 4 (Mom, Dad, Little bro, & me) weren’t well off. Dad’s business didn’t too terribly well. One Christmas a family who knew our situation gave my parents $150 to purchase Xmas presents for my brother and me. The foster kids had provision already, but we did not. It was quite a blessing. Our parents told us about it the next year (I was about 13 my brother was about 9). We were doing better financially. My brother and I even had some money (early xmas cards from grandparents) . My parents told us about the xmas previous. They told us of a family in a situation like we’d been the year before. They told us they were giving this family money for xmas and asked if we wanted to contribute with our own money. We did. I believe this was one of the great teaching moments in my life at the hands of my parents. Your story reminded me of this episode, I pray the generosity will continue because of the kindness of your community in the lives of this family. I know I am still affected by my similar experience.

    Shoulder to Shoulder, Chris

    • Chris,
      Thanks for adding your own story to mine. What a great moment! My wife and I continue to pray for this family, that the seeds planted in that moment would bear continual fruits in the form of hope, generosity, and a vision for more. I secretly hope one day to run into one of the kids and see what’s happened in their lives since we last met. Oops, guess it’s not so secret anymore…

  10. Great story, Chris! Always love how the giver is blessed as much as the receiver!

  11. What a sweet, sweet story. It really is more blessed to give than to receive, isn’t it?