Archives for November 2011

Back To Writing

Your gifts and abilities are part of God’s purpose for your life. Not using them can lead to frustration, disappointment and fatigue.

I can’t remember where I read that quote, but it’s been hanging on my refrigerator for six or seven years. I’ve ignored that little handwritten sheet of paper for the past couple of weeks. I didn’t want to think about not writing.

A third of the way through Thirty Days of Thanksgiving, I quit posting. I continued writing for a few days, but couldn’t bring myself to publish what I’d written. Then I just stopped writing althogether. I won’t go into the detailed reasons why, but it was due to my insecurity, not because God led me to. In fact, I knew He’d placed the Thirty Days series in my mind back in October with lots of ideas about what to write. So the last ten days without writing has seemed like an eternity. I can say with certainty that the quote above is true for me.

Even though the posts may be shorter and the days combined, I plan to finish out the Thirty Days series. After that, I have no plans. I’ll see where God leads the writing, but I have no doubt that it will continue along the original purpose of this blog: my experiences and how God uses them to teach me. My insecurity will have to take a back seat, or better yet, be kicked to the curb.

I want to start back by sharing with you a gripping video I watched last week that someone recommended to me. It was the reminder I needed of how God loves and sees me, and how I should see myself. It was the kick in the pants I needed to remind me that He has given me the gift of writing, and I am to use it…with security in Him.

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