Archives for September 2016

My Discovery Process


discovery-process, god, beliefs, lizvone


Back in the Spring, my friend Liz messaged me to ask if I’d write a blog post for her series, My Discovery Process. Having left church in 2013, I went through a process of discovering what it is I believe about God and Christianity outside of the church. To be honest, it’s a journey I’m still traveling through. But over the course of the past three years, I’ve learned a thing or two, as well as ripped out and replaced deeply-rooted beliefs. So, when Liz asked, I thought it was a great opportunity to write out my current beliefs:


I believe in Grace, and I’m learning to believe in Love.

I don’t know if there’s a God up in the sky who’s listening to prayers. I don’t even know if there’s an eternity waiting on the other side of death or if the grave is all there is. I don’t know if my best life is now or after I die, so I’m learning to treat each moment as precious and extraordinary.

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