Day 1: Life



I saw lots of candy-collecting zombies on the streets last night. It was Halloween, of course. Zombies seemed to be the popular costume this year. Apparently, there’s something appealing about walking, dead people.

Walking, dead people…

As I start off this month of giving thanks, I am first and foremost thankful for life. Not just life, but abundant life.

It’s so easy to be among the walking dead. It’s easy to forget what a miracle it is to wake every morning, to take a breath, to feel emotions, to watch the birth and growth of new life, to enjoy the people in our lives.

It’s all too easy to dwell on the past, or worry about the future.

The abundant life is found in the right now, this moment. It’s in being present in the present. It’s in finding joy in the ordinary. It’s in finding and doing what makes your heart come alive. It’s in being aware of the presence of God in everything.

I admit I’ve been among the walking dead way too often in recent months, and my perspective has been way too downcast. I’ve forgotten neglected to be thankful in all things. I’ve taken for granted the gift of life.

Today I choose to be intentional in giving thanks for life…in all circumstances. I choose to replace each grumble or complaint with a word of thanks. I choose to be aware of the fact that each breath is a gift.

What are you thankful for today?


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