For You With The Dark Side


I’ve just discovered Kelly Clarkson’s song, “Dark Side.” {I know…I’m waaaay behind}. I don’t know how I missed it, but now that I’ve found it, I keep listening to it because the lyrics remind me of so many different conversations I’ve had with people.

The chorus:

Everybody’s got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody’s a picture perfect
But we’re worth it
You know that we’re worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

I get the privilege of talking with a lot of people who know and admit their dark sides…their darkest sins, their deepest hurts. And like the lyrics above, they want to know if people can love them in their darkness. But more often than not, they don’t know if they’re “worth it.” They feel their dark sides make them unworthy of love, of respect, of grace and mercy.

If you’re living in the awareness of your dark side, and you feel unworthy, I have a few things to say to you:

First and foremost, you are loved. And you are worthy of love. Nothing you did or ever will do can separate you from the extravagant, everlasting love of the Father. Love covers a multitude of sins.

Grace and Mercy are yours. Accept them. Abide in them. They cover everything. Everything. Grace and Mercy has a way creating light out of darkness. If you don’t see the light yet, keep watching!

No matter what you’ve done, you are still worthy of being treated with respect. You do not have to live under the weight of shame and humiliation. Remind yourself that everybody makes mistakes, and that you are no different.

Don’t waste your time trying to appease those who throw stones at you. Protect yourself from the voices that blame and condemn. Be discerning about who you listen to and engage in conversation with, reminding yourself that not every voice is interested in your well-being.

You are not alone. I know it feels like you are, but the very fact that you are reading these words proves that someone else has been where you are.

This season will not last forever. And you will enter a new season stronger and wiser because you’ve walked through the darkness.


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