Guest Post: More Than An Adoption


This is the second post in the December series, Spirit of Christmas. Chris Morris is a Twitter friend I’ve yet to meet face-to-face; however, his vulnerable, yet inspirational writings have spoken to my heart numerous times. Enjoy this true story in which he inspires us to give!


I will never forget the Benavidez family. About a decade ago, our home Bible study adopted the Benavidezes for Christmas. My wife found them through a connection she had with Christian Family Care Agency.

We received the details for the mom and her five kids, and we asked our small group to sign up for different family members. We encouraged everyone to be generous, because God is generous with us. But we were not expecting the turnout we received.

The week before Christmas, our small group stuffed four vehicles with presents, piled in and drove over to the Benavidez home. Before we walked into their duplex, we spent a few quick moments in prayer.

God, let us be a blessing.
Let us represent Your kindness generously.
Allow us to be the hope of Jesus with skin on.

I knocked on the door, and mom answered. She smiled graciously and ushered us in. Her eyes got bigger and bigger as we kept bringing the presents in, and then she broke down crying.

Her kids had a totally different response. They were dancing around the house. Pushing each other over. Giggling, laughing, falling on the ground and rolling in exuberant joy.

Then the begging began – “Mom, can we open now? Can we have Christmas tonight? Come on Mom, we don’t want to wait. Now, puuuuullllleeeeeeeaaaaaazzzz!”

Mom looked at us and asked if they could open now. I smiled, with a tear in my eye. I told her she could open them whenever. She asked if we would stay.

We brought the joy, she said. We should see it come out.

We gathered around the family as they opened their presents. Each opened present brought a squeal of pure joy. Whether it was a backpack or a Hot Wheels, a Barbie doll or a set of pajamas. The delight we saw with each opened package is something I will never forget.

While my small group certainly had the opportunity to bless the Benavidez family, the truth is this – each of us walked out of their duplex filled to the brim with the joy of the Lord. Because we saw a family that truly appreciated the gifts they were given.

When is the last time you saw glee like this?


Chris Morris is a CPA by day, but a creative at heart. He loves telling stories to inspire and encourage others, even when life seems busted. He also loves a great cup of coffee, preferably French press. He writes at You can follow him on Twitter at You can find him on Facebook at

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