Loads of Groceries and Seeking Help

No one else was home as I unloaded the groceries, bag by plastic bag. {Sorry, I’m not a re-usable bag kind of girl.} There seemed to be a hundred heavy bags. You know how when you’re tired, just a few heavy bags seems like a million? Yeah, I thought I’d never get all those groceries upstairs to the kitchen. About the fifth time of trudging up the steps I thought, If only Mark were home to help me carry these bags, it sure would lighten my load.


When we’re tired and weary, and the heavy load seems never-ending, it helps to have someone come alongside and share the load with us. The weight lifts and the burden eases when we allow someone to help us carry our “groceries.” And you know those “groceries” have to be dealt with; you can’t just leave them in the car to spoil.

You may be facing

job loss
financial devastation
an unwelcome diagnosis
marital turmoil

You must deal with your circumstances. Ignoring them can lead to bitterness, anger, and depression {just to name a few}. But while you deal with them, allow someone to encourage and comfort you, to help you.

So whether it’s a trusted friend or a counselor, make the call! Seek help. Let someone help you carry your load.

Above all, seek the ultimate comforter:

Give praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He is the Father who gives tender love. All comfort comes from him. He comforts us in all our troubles… (2 Cor. 1: 3-4a, NIV) 

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