Day 18: Story



I’ve always been a reader. Some of my earliest memories of reading include series such as Encyclopedia Brown, Nancy Drew and The Boxcar Children. I could get lost for hours, imagining myself as part of the story.

While I still occasionally enjoy reading fiction, I prefer non-fiction these days. In addition to books, I’ve fallen in love with blogs over the past few years. My favorite blogs are those in which the authors are vulnerable in sharing their stories.

Not only do I love reading, I often enjoy listening to people share stories. Just last night I heard singer-songwriter Christa Wells tell the story of a girl who was injured in the Aurora, Colorado, theater shootings. It was a story of overcoming and healing by faith.

Story has the power to capture our attention, draw us in and cause us to relate to one another in a way we otherwise might not have. Story helps us to find common ground in a diverse world. For example, I can’t relate to being shot. But I can relate to overcoming harmful circumstances and experiencing healing.

Story is the fabric of our lives, stitched one moment at a time, woven together with threads of purpose by the Master Designer.

Stories give me courage. They give me hope that I’m not alone. Stories help me to know that I will get through the next thing and the next and the next. They help me to know the truth that God works all things together for good for those who love Him. (Rom. 8:28)

Story begets story, and compassion is birthed. Therein lies the key to loving one another well.

Today, I’m thankful for stories…of joy, of brokenness, of healing, of forgiveness, of redemption, of courage. I’m even thankful for the stories that have no happy endings…because every story gives me opportunity to see the world through another’s eyes.


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