Archives for November 2012

Go For It!


We pulled up to the traffic light in the left turn lane, impatient to turn across traffic. As usual, we were running behind, and needed to get to the school to pick up our oldest daughter from after-school choir rehearsal. At that time of afternoon, the traffic is pretty heavy in our growing town.

We waited through the red light, expecting the left arrow to turn green. Instead, all three lanes of traffic across from us began to move, indicating that their arrow had turned green along with the traffic moving straight ahead, but ours had not. We impatiently waited, thinking their lights would turn red, and all three lights on our side would momentarily turn green. We weren’t so lucky. The two lanes of traffic next us, going straight, were given the green light, while our light indicated we could turn if there was no on-coming traffic. No green left-turn arrow. We sat some more.

We waited for a slight break in the on-coming traffic, and my husband hit the gas as he said, Sometimes you just gotta go for it!

I thought about how often I sit and wait for a sign or a word from God. I exercise so much caution out of fear of moving too hastily and doing the wrong thing that I just stall. I don’t trust Holy Spirit in me to guide me without overtly giving me some sort of sign telling me it’s okay to make a move. Instead, I make silly requests of God….like this: If I’m supposed to go through with {this}, send a bird to land on that branch. Y’all, I seriously do that crap!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking God for a sign, except when it’s to the neglect of trusting Holy Spirit living in us and guiding us.

Often, I just need to trust that little voice inside {which, if I’m living in the spirit, is probably Holy Spirit}, and move forward. I need to quit calculating every possible outcome and scenario, and instead, look for the break and take it. That’s what faith and trust require. After all, Sometimes you just gotta go for it!


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