Everything Old Is New Again


It all comes back.

The tight-rolled pants I wore in high school are suddenly in style again.

Vinyl has made its comeback in a big way.

All that was suddenly is . . . again.

Such is life.


Those childhood hurts we thought we left behind show up as adult heartaches.

Those wounds we left untreated and tried to ignore? They rip wide open and infect every part of who we are. The enemy of our lives loves nothing more than to remind us of our wounds, then multiply them, using any willing soul to inflict pain.

Our fears follow us, only to creep up one day and run circles around us. Those same fears I discovered at four haunt me at forty.

Yes, everything old is new again . . . in a bigger, more terrific — and terrifying — way.

But we hold now what we didn’t hold then: the power to choose.

Will we choose to bind up our wounds and heal? Will we choose to walk away from those who keep reproducing the harm? Will we choose to grab hold of fear and face it?

If all that was suddenly is, oh God, make something new out of the old.


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