Five Minute Friday: Finish


Five Minute Friday is a challenge to write for five minutes about a given prompt. “No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.” It’s currently hosted over at Today’s prompt is “Finish.”


Last night, before I considered writing a Five Minute Friday post, before I knew the prompt word for today, I posted this status on social media:


Throughout my childhood, one of the things I knew I wanted to do as an adult was finish what I started. By the time I reached college, I made every effort to do just that.

However, in the years following young adulthood, my finishing skills have waned. I leave books unfinished. I leave relationships hanging in the balance. I leave ideas unfinished.

In fact, I have only a few strong finishes under my belt.

These days, I find myself in the middle of a creative project that feels done, but unfinished. And I’m utterly frustrated with the surrounding circumstances and my lack of ability to do anything about them.

Finishing not only gives me a sense of accomplishment, but often inspires new beginnings in me.

Five Minute Friday

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